CESI is a feminist organization, founded in 1997 on International Women's Day, in response to problems of violation of human rights, women's and minority rights, nationalism, militarization, and the deterioration of economic standards in the post-war period. Our mission is to advocate for advancement of women and realization of gender equality, and for full implementation of laws and international mechanisms for the protection of human rights.
- To contribute to equal opportunities and the improvement of social and economic status of women with the aim of creating a more just end equal society
- To improve the protection and promotion of sexual and reproductive rights and health
- To prevent and combat gender-based violence and promote gender equality among youth
- To promote active participation of women and youth in decision-making processes
CESI is working under four main strategic programmes developed with a goal to achieve our mission.
1) Programme "Sex, Gender and Sexual Rights"
Within the framework of the program "Gender, Sex, and Sexual Rights," we focus on preventing and combating gender-based violence, raising public awareness about the need to eliminate gender stereotypes and shift power dynamics in society, as well as improving the protection and promotion of sexual and reproductive rights and health. We operate on multiple levels, including research, education, counseling, media campaigns, policy analysis, and public advocacy, to contribute to the promotion and realization of sexual and reproductive rights and to more effectively prevent gender-based violence.
2) Programme "Gender Equality in the Labour Market"
Within the program, we focus specifically on working conditions, particularly on topics such as pay equity, work-life balance, flexible work arrangements, workplace well-being, and combating discriminatory practices in the world of work. To achieve gender equality in the workplace, we work on:
- improving women’s labor rights,
- enhancing working conditions to support women’s well-being,
- advocating for gender-sensitive policies and laws to promote gender equality in the workplace,
- providing support and advice to women who are victims of workplace discrimination.
3) Programme „Gender, equality and media“
4) Programme "Combating Violence Against Women"
The goal of the program is to ensure continuous support for women victims of gender-based violence and to provide specialized services in counseling, legal assistance, and support within the Krapina-Zagorje County, with the aim of preventing and reducing the incidence of gender-based violence. Through direct counseling work and psychosocial support, the program aims to equip women with the skills and support needed to exit violent relationships, build healthy and quality relationships, ensure their protection, and prevent further violence.
Activities and methods used:
Research and policy advocacy
- Quantitative and qualitative research and policy analysis is the basis for the development of educational and advocacy activities and for public policy recommendations
- Monitoring neoconservative groups, mobilizing and creating a pro-choice opposition
- Position papers, statements
- Advocacy for the adoption and responsible implementation of public policies, with focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights of women, comprehensive sexual education, equal pay for equal work, work-life balance as well as including the gender perspective in policies and programs for young people
Education, information and counselling
- Education of educators for the teachers, peer educators and various professionals
- Workshops for youth
- Education and support groups for unemployed women
- Seminars and workshops on gender equality for employers both from private and public sector
- Leadership training for young women, politicians, activists, journalists
- Gender equality training for local and regional governments
- Development of prevention and educational curricula, manuals, brochures
- The web portals: RADNICA.org (Workingwoman), SEZAM – Sexual education for youth
- Free legal counselling service that helps women in achieving employment and social rights
- Helpline and counselling service for women victims of violence established in collaboration with the Commission for Gender Equality of Krapina- Zagorje County
Awareness raising and media campaigns
- Revealing the discriminatory position of women in the labor world; raising awareness on gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights, political participation of women
- Social media campaigns aimed at providing information and sensitizing young people
- Portal on gender, sex and democracy LIBELA (www.libela.org)
Networking and coalition building
Building networks and coalitions with other organizations and institutions on national and international level, is important path towards gender equality. CESI is part of networks and coalitions that are in line with our work and mission and related to reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence, labor and social rights, anti-discrimination, gender mainstreaming, gender equality, etc.
Awards and Recognitions
- Among 1300 submitted project proposals from the Central and South-East Europe project Silence is Not Golden, implemented by CESI-Center for Education, Counseling and Research in partnership with O.M. G. – Open Media Group, is one of top ten recipients of 2009 ERSTE Foundation Social Integration Award.
- CESI’s action “Pillar of Shame” has been recognized by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) as an example of good practice in promoting women’s political participation.
- The program “Women and Leadership” is included as a model of good practice in the study of active citizenship made by Directorate General Education and Culture of the EU.
- At the EMC festival 2002: Media and Health, held under the auspices of Croatian Ministry of Health and organized by School for Public Health Andrija Štampar, CESI’s web site, SeZaM, which was created to respond to adolescents’ questions on sexuality, won the award for “Best Website” among those nominated. The competition was tough and the SeZaM website was acknowledged by the members of the jury as a visually attractive source of positive, clear and correct information on sexuality and relationships for adolescents.
- At Communication Days 2022, the NIJE U REDU U UREDU (No place for inequality at the workplace) campaign won the Grand Prix Effie for the most effective campaign of the year, Effie gold for the best campaign in the category Engaged community, Effie silver in the category Positive changes, MIXX for the best digital campaign in the Cross-Media Integration Campaign and IdejaX Silver in the Social Responsibility category. The campaign was designed and implemented as part of the -Workingwoman - Gender Equality in the Labour Market - project in collaboration with the creative agency Señor, media partner Outdoor Akzent and web agency Human. Promo video of the campaign.
- #ZaštoŠutimo (Whyarewesilent) campaign for acessible abortions was awarded third place at the IdeaX2021 competition
Support CESI
How you can support the work of CESI:
- Advocate for equal distribution of household chores and children care between men and women. Pass on this idea among your friends, family and in your workplace.
- Use gender sensitive language, namely, avoid using restrictive gendered nouns and address genders respectfully: e.g. humanity instead mankind; chairperson instead of chairman etc.
- Support women who pursue political careers or want to hold managerial positions.
- Buy non gender stereotyped toys. Do not purchase dolls exclusively for girls or cars exclusively for boys.
- Support your son if he wishes to become a child-care worker or your daughter if she wishes to become a pilot.
- Respect teenagers as sexual beings who wish to be sexually active and facilitate the responsible living of their sexuality.
- Join LGBTI pride movements and support LGBTI persons in achieving their rights.
- React if you observe gender based violence.
- Volunteer at CESI.
- Donate a book to CESI library.
- Support CESI by donation:
Account holder:
Nova cesta 4
10000 Zagreb
Bank details:
Erste & Steiermaerkische bank d.d. Jadranski trg 3A , 51 000 RIJEKA Croatia
Account details:
IBAN: HR8824020061100071855
Sorting code (SWIFT) ESBCHR22
CESI is a non-profit organization that raises majority of its funds from different sponsors and donors by means of public tenders. As a civil society organization we are primarily focused on non-profit and public benefit work. Both domestic and foreign donors, institutions and funds participate in financing and sponsorship of CESI. To a smaller degree, funds are also received through donations of small and medium business enterprises and companies from Croatia. CESI’s financial reports are available to public and can be found in our Annual Reports while independent financial audit is made on a regular basis. All citizens who wish to financially support the work of CESI – Centre for education, Counselling and Research, can make their donations.
Bank account for foreign donors:
CESI – Center for Education, Counselling and Research
Nova cesta 4, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Registration number: 1283588
WAT: HR81873549225
Erste & Steiermaerkische bank d.d.
Jadranski trg 3A , 51 000 RIJEKA, Croatia
Sorting code (SWIFT) ESBCHR22
IBAN: HR8824020061100071855
Current donors:
Agency for Electronic Media,
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes,
European Union through programs,(CERV, DAPHNE, ERASMUS+),
Fondation CHANEL,
Ministarstvo rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike,
Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation,
Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy,
Sigrid Rausing Trust,
Solidarna Foundation.
Previous donors:
Academy for Educational Development,
Balkan Children & Youth Foundation,
Balkan Trust Fund for Democracy,
CARE International,
Center for Reproductive Rights New York,
City of Zagreb,
DELPHI International – STAR Project,
European Commission,
Embassy of Finland
Embassy of France,
Embassy of Canada,
Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands,
Embassy of Kingdom of Norway,
Embassy of United States of America,
Embassy of Great Britain,
Global Fund for Women,
Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs,
Government Office for Gender Equality,
International Rescue Committee-IRC,
King Boudouin Foundation,
Krapinsko-zagorska županija,
Kvinna Till Kvinna,
Mama Cash,
Mercy Corps,
Ministry of the Family, Veterans’ Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare,
Ministry of Science and Education,
Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy,
Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga društva,
Norwegian People’s Aid,
Open Society Institute,
Slagalica Foundation, Active Citizen Fund Hrvatska,
The Olof Palme International Centre,
The State Institute for the Protection of Family, Maternity and Youth,
Westminster Foundation for Democracy,
World bank,
World Health Organisation.
Annual Reports
If you are interested in our work, please check our annual reports.